The first rendition of BDN’s ChoreoMatch programme was in 2016, and was offered as an exciting extension of BDN’s Introducing… platform.

ChoreoMatch is about giving dancers and choreographers the chance to play and experiment with an untested idea and to meet new collaborators in the West Midlands. Previously ChoreoMatch has been supported by Arts Council England, DanceXchange, Vivid Projects and Sense TouchBase Pears.
The ChoreoMatch program takes a choreographer with an untested idea, and places them in a studio with a number of dancers who they may or may not know. Everyone is paid for their time and the focus is on process rather than having a performance outcome. Typically the choreographer will bring the idea they want to research and will be responsible for leading the process. The dancers’ role will be to dive into the choreographer’s process, assist them in their research, challenge them where necessary and work together to bring their ideas to life.
ChoreoMatch has explored various themes and setups over the years. We started with studio-based development but have also had a sited process in an art gallery, choreographers working with non-professional dancers and more recently a focus on remote working through online meeting platforms like Zoom.
ChoreoMatch commissions are for artists at all stages of their career. We have commissioned experienced choreographers who want to try something new, as well as early career choreographers looking for a way to make new work with dancers from the West Midlands being prioritised for the program.